A Study in Non-Fiction

This morning I fell off the bed. I was jumping on the bed. I got blood. I screamed and you hear that loud noise. We cleaned the blood off and tried to put ice on it. And THIS! (She is referring to the Tylenol. She holds it up enthusiastically, and no doubt, with gratitude at its existence. )
(Mama notes: Yes, sadly this is how our morning began. It has been a very long day. I'm not sure how much you can see from the picture, but the right side of her face is quite swollen. I think she literally fell on her face. Poor baby. )


  1. Oh My Stars, Braelyn!!! What an awful way to start your morning. I am soooo sorry you fell off the bed and got a boo boo. Tell Mommy to give you a big hug and a kiss from Meme. I love you sweetheart and I hope the rest of your day is wonderful. I Love You!!! XOXOXO

  2. Hi Sweet Braelyn,

    I am so sorry to hear you fell off of the bed and hurt your lip and face. I know that was very scary for you. I hope you feel better really, really soon.

    Nonnie & Boppie love you tons!

    Hugs & Kisses,

  3. my little friend-
    how are you feeling today? does it feel better when you eat? we can't wait to see you again soon, and have some fun!

    ms. mandi

  4. Braelyn -

    Daddy is reading your blog while flying on the airplane far-away to Missouri! I love you and am so glad that your lip is getting better! I will miss you and will see you soon!

    I love you!



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