
Showing posts from 2009

The Spider and the Necklace

There was a girl and there was a spider. There was a big giant spider that hurt her. Then she got a necklace and the spider got her necklace. Then, it was in his tummy. She was crying. She got a new tape and a new necklace. She hung a calendar on the wall (with the tape) and she put her necklace on. Then the spider got away.

Bath Tub Conversation

Braelyn: You know president Obama? Mom: Yes. Braelyn: She's my best friend. Mom: He's a man. Braelyn: He's my best friend. Mom: Why is President Obama your best friend? Braelyn: Because he's President Obama. Haha. Mom: What does President Obama do? Braelyn: I don't know. He speaks and talks to everyone. Mom: What does he talk about? Braelyn: No response. Back to playing with bath toys. Mom: Well, I know your Papa will be so proud. ;)

Searchin' For Shapes

Triangle Rectangle Circle Square Oval (Photography and typing by Braelyn Nicole {with a little help}.

On a Nature Walk

Throw things in the yucky pond. We found rocks. And looking at bugs. We play in the sand. We picked flowers.

A Study in Non-Fiction

This morning I fell off the bed. I was jumping on the bed. I got blood. I screamed and you hear that loud noise. We cleaned the blood off and tried to put ice on it. And THIS! ( She is referring to the Tylenol. She holds it up enthusiastically, and no doubt, with gratitude at its existence. ) (Mama notes: Yes, sadly this is how our morning began. It has been a very long day. I'm not sure how much you can see from the picture, but the right side of her face is quite swollen. I think she literally fell on her face. Poor baby. )

A Story

There was a princess and a sheep and a lamb and a cat. They fell down on the ground. They all got a boo boo. They got up. They wrote a blog. And they ate ice cream. Then the cat went to the barn. There was some animals, some cows and a pink pig. The End

Interview About School

Mom: What did you do today? Braelyn: Played with toys. M: What kind of toys? B: Um...babies M: What else did you do? B: Um...Do the kitchen. And...I, playing. M: What did you do during circle time? B: We read books. M: What books did you read? B: I don't know. M: What was your favorite part about school? B: During circle time. M: Why did you like it? B: Cause I do. M: What was your least favorite part? B: Those kids making funny faces at the green table, cause I started crying. M: >:( ... to my Mama Bear self (they were making faces at her and made her the story) M: Do you like school? Do you want to go back? B: Yeah. Yeah. M: Thanks for talking to me about school. B: I'm tired.

Pink Ice Cream

Once upon a time there was a little lamb of a sheep and a lady and a cow. They played with toys. They ate ice cream. The ice cream was pink. And they ate milk. The End