
Showing posts from September, 2009

On a Nature Walk

Throw things in the yucky pond. We found rocks. And looking at bugs. We play in the sand. We picked flowers.

A Study in Non-Fiction

This morning I fell off the bed. I was jumping on the bed. I got blood. I screamed and you hear that loud noise. We cleaned the blood off and tried to put ice on it. And THIS! ( She is referring to the Tylenol. She holds it up enthusiastically, and no doubt, with gratitude at its existence. ) (Mama notes: Yes, sadly this is how our morning began. It has been a very long day. I'm not sure how much you can see from the picture, but the right side of her face is quite swollen. I think she literally fell on her face. Poor baby. )

A Story

There was a princess and a sheep and a lamb and a cat. They fell down on the ground. They all got a boo boo. They got up. They wrote a blog. And they ate ice cream. Then the cat went to the barn. There was some animals, some cows and a pink pig. The End